The first Book available:
The end of evil: thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Bible prophecy meets current events and the New World Order. Yeshua (Jesus) meets Lucifer on earth at Armageddon and “terminates his command.” Yeshua takes back earth and the world for humanity as created. This is the end of the New World order. The Nephilim Anti-Christ and the false prophet are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Lucifer the dragon, the devil, and Satan are chained up in the abyss for a thousand years. Yeshua rules during the millennium. Then will be the second “Battle of the End.” Lucifer the devil, and Satan are thrown into the Lake of Fire. Then will be the Great White Throne judgment, the second death, and the End of Evil forever.
This book includes and goes beyond the standard seminary Dispensational Systematic Theology. It contains a few hundred KJV Bible verses, many from other translations, much classic and contemporary commentary, and excerpts from other authors' copyrighted works with permissions. Subjects include Israel, the first coming of Yeshua, the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the millennium, after the millennium, the last day, and the Great White Throne judgment. You will also read about the fallen angels, the evil Mount Hermon insurrection, the Nephilim, demons, the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the CoVID-19 plandemic abuse of power, the World Economic Forum, the legendary "Powers That Be," the Illuminati, Luciferians, Satanism, the Vatican and the Jesuits, the levels of Freemasonry, and the connections with UFOs/UAPs, and the "Ancient Aliens." The world powers are still fighting over Jerusalem. World War Three is imminent. The Atomic Clock shows 30 seconds till midnight. The term “Conspiracy Theory” is only half correct: Conspiracy yes, theory no. The ultimate time-sensitive decision is upon you: Will Yeshua/Jesus be your Lord and Savior, or will Lucifer have that position by default? There is no gray area, no middle ground, no compromise. The Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13:16 is an eternal death mark: you become the seed of Satan and “belong” to Lucifer. We are at war with an enemy you’ve been told doesn’t exist. Yeshua loves you and wants you to be an eternal resident in the Kingdom of Heaven. The seed of Satan is disqualified. This isn’t a novel.
Where else can you find a proposed chronology of prophetic events, Saul Alinsky’s 13 rules for radicals, the five Christian fundamentals, the ten planks of Communism, the ten items of the Georgia Guidestones, the Ten Commandments, the World Economic Forum Global Futures Council Forecast: (“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”), information on the Kosmokrators, Nephilim, transhumanism, the singularity, confessions of an Illuminati, and more, all in the same book? Are you ready for the rapture? Babylon is in the female gender. Yeshua calls you: “Come out of her my people!”
Available soon from Amazon and other book sellers.
Available soon from Amazon and other book sellers.
about the author - david rayne:
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DAVID RAYNE is a US Navy Vietnam Veteran, ‘Blue Water’ service, Tonkin Gulf 1970.
Some of his writing has been published in the Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project magazine, later renamed the Veterans Voices Writing Project magazine.
He has been a civilian employee of the US Government, 1972 +, and is an MK-Ultra survivor.
A musician since grade school, he is an ASCAP member song writer and publisher.
He now lives in northeast Wyoming with his wife and three dogs.
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